Türk Vergi Numarası

Türk Vergi Numarası

LEGENDA PROPERTY is a leading agency in Turkey providing its customers with professional pre and after-sales services. One of our services is issuing the Turkish Tax Identification Numbers (Tax ID) for real estate buyers.

What is a Tax Identification Number in Turkey?

This is a nine-digit number assigned to real estate buyers, property owners, investors, or anyone planning to stay in Turkey for more than 90-days. This is more like a unique taxpayer reference number (UTR number in the UK) assigned to everyone living in Turkey.

If you want to buy a property or invest in Turkey, you need to apply for a Tax Identification Number. This process is also simple and quick. In the future, the tax reference number will indicate how much taxes you need to pay for your property and will make all your other tax purposes easier. For investors interested in starting a business or limited company in Turkey, the Tax ID number is needed for the assessment of tax returns including corporation taxes.

The tax number is also an essential requirement to open a Turkish bank account, water & electricity abonnement, residence permit fee, etc.

How to Get a Tax ID Number?

The procedure related to getting a Tax Number in Turkey is simple and quick. The only thing is to provide a photocopy of your passport and apply to the Tax Office. After the registration of your data, you will directly get the Tax Number.

After receiving the tax Number you may easily make other administration steps such as opening a bank account and making investments. 

LEGENDA property agents will gladly assist you in every step required to get your tax ID number in Turkey.

If you want to know what other services LEGENDA property provides for its clients, you can read here more.

LEGENDA Property, The Real Estate Expert in Turkey

Regardless of where you prefer to buy a property in Turkey, the beauty of the country will always amaze you. Just choose where to buy real estate in Turkey in coherence to your budget, your lifestyle, and expectations.

When you have decided to buy real estate in Turkey, make sure that you have a reputed estate agency with good references and experience. LEGENDA Property is a committed business member of the Association of International Property Professionals (AIPP) and is regulated by the Property Ombudsman.

As one of the pioneers in the Turkish Real Estate Market, we are confident that our wide real estate portfolio continuously offers unique opportunities. We do not only offer homes for sale in Turkey but also offer affordable luxury apartments in Turkey.

Interested in property purchase in Turkey? Having a matter related to the real estate market in Turkey? Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries regarding places to buy Turkish properties.