This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information and data obtained or used on this site.
Collection of your personal information We store and process the information provided by you with the level of sufficient protection that is deemed sufficient and available. We do not transfer the information provided to third parties, except as required by Turkish law.
The User's use of this website of the Real Estate Agency means acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User's personal data.
 This Privacy Policy establishes our obligations to not disclose and ensure the privacy protection of personal data that the User provides when making an application on our website, filling out a questionnaire, feedback, etc. Personal data authorized for processing includes the following information: - last name, first name, patronymic of the User; -contact phone number of the User; - e-mail address (e-mail).
The real estate agency protects Data that is automatically transmitted during viewing of advertising blocks and when visiting pages on which the system's statistical script is installed: · IP address; information from cookies; information about the browser (or other program that accesses the display of advertising); the address of the page on which the ad block is located; referrer.
We can use the User's personal data for the following purposes: Identification of the User for placing an order and (or) concluding a contract for the sale of goods remotely. Establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of this site, the provision of services, processing requests and applications from the User, according to his requests. Confirmation of the accuracy and completeness of personal data provided by the User. Providing the User with his consent, special offers, information on prices, newsletters and other information on behalf of the Real Estate Agency "Legenda Property" or on behalf of partners of the Real Estate Agency. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without using such tools.

You have the right to refuse our services at any time and delete your data from our database - however, we reserve the right to store the contact and other information you entered in archives to collect statistics and improve the quality of our services and services. We take the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User's personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties. Together with the User, we take all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the User's personal data.
We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the consent of the User. The new Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on this website of the Real Estate Agency, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Privacy Policy.